is to evangelize all people, at all times, and in all places. We are to proclaim the MESSAGE of Jesus, to teach His TRUTH, to extend His LOVE to people of all ages.
Our concern and the witness of our love, in imitation of Christ Himself, must be universal in scope. We are called to have a special concern for those who are most in distress, those who are extremely poor, especially the elderly poor and the immigrant poor, and all those suffering from the physical, mental, emotional and moral ills that afflict humanity, including hunger, neglect, unemployment, prejudice and despair. We are to labor for situations which are conducive to freedom and which promote the ideals of family life and human dignity. We are committed to defend human life against every influence and action that threatens or weakens it. In the spirit of Christ Himself, we are committed to promote peace and reconciliation among families, races, classes and nations and to participate actively in the struggle to achieve political, social and economic justice.
2 Diocesan | 33 Parochial
4 Health Care Clinics
9 Charity and Justice Centers
1 Hospital
5 Homes for the Aged, Chronically Ill and Handicapped
1 Day Care & Extended Care
5 Half-way Homes
Conscious of our limitations, weaknesses and sinfulness, yet supported by the Father’s merciful providence, the Son’s infinite love and the Spirit’s unfathomable power, we proclaim the following GOALS which serve as our CHARTER OF ACCOUNTABILITY:
To dedicate ourselves in support of the Church’s worldwide efforts at evangelization to be true witnesses of the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to communicate effectively the Good News by every traditional and contemporary means to all within our four-county diocese.
To encourage and support all members of the diocesan community to answer the call to their Christian vocations, as clergy, religious or laity and to vigorously foster more vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and the religious life.
To foster a spirit of unity and dedication within the diocesan community for pastoral service in the Church of Metuchen on the parish, deanery and diocesan levels.
To encourage and support all parish communities to be vibrant and witnessing communities of the faith, ministry and unity of Christ.
To deepen and strengthen liturgical life within our diocesan and parish communities, and to foster personal and communal prayer, as well as devotional practice, in the life of the diocese.
To promote the practice of the works of mercy and charity in all the traditional and modern forms on the diocesan, deanery and parochial levels with a preferential option to assist the poor, especially the elderly poor and the immigrant poor.
To devote the resources and personnel necessary to create and maintain a safe environment for the children and youth within our diocesan community.
To work for global justice and peace and to foster respect for all human life within the four counties of our diocese.
To foster a spirit of Christian stewardship among all members of the Church of Metuchen to enable the effective pursuit of our diocesan mission.