In order to make the necessary preparations for the Mass, please have your form submitted by Thursday, March 27. All parishes are required to submit a Holy Oil request even if the request is for the same amount as last year's request.
When requesting oils, please only request the amount of oil that is needed. If you have a lot of oil left over, it would be good to reduce the amount of oil requested. Once you have requested the oils, all adjustments must be made directly through the Office of Divine Worship. No adjustments can be made day of, and parish representatives will only receive the oils according to the submitted records.
If you are unable to participate in the Chrism Mass, please contact your dean and ask him to receive the Holy Oils on your behalf so that you may pick them up at a later date at his parish.
Please remember to bring your Holy Oil Bottle (emptied, cleaned, & dried) from the previous years to the Chrism Mass. Any bottles that still contain oil or oil residue will not be accepted at sign-in. Moreover, the Parish Representative will need to bring it back to their parish to be thoroughly cleaned and then delivered to the Cathedral for next year.
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact the Office of Divine Worship at (732) 765-6438 or
*If your parish has multiple worship sites, please take into consideration all of the worship sites in total when determining the amount of Holy Oils needed for your parish.