Bus Trips to the March for Life, Washington DC Friday, January 24, 2025
St. Francis Cathedral - Metuchen
We are pleased to announce our pilgrimage to Washington DC for the Annual March for Life. We are blessed to be able to journey together again this year to be witnesses to God’s precious gift of Life in all its stages.
The March is on Friday, January 24, 2025 rain / shine (or snow). There will be a Mass at 6:30 am at the Cathedral. The bus will depart at 7:00 am from Library Place. Refreshments will be provided on the bus. We will make one rest stop each way. You are welcome to bring lunch or purchase something at the rest stop.
We are looking forward to having a bus leave Immaculate Conception Church at 7:00 AM, Friday, January 24th with another stop at 7:30 AM in Flemington at Harbor Freight (Rt. 206) parking lot.
The cost is $75 per person which includes dinner at Golden Corral on the return trip. The price is based on 45 people coming.
To book trip please contact Bill Smith at smithbuilders@hotmail.com or 908.797.7359. Checks made out to PIP Assembly #3293 mailed to: William Smith, 94 Center Street